Maintenance Vehicle Conspicuity

Improving highway safety and increasing mobility are always of utmost importance to a transportation agency. When DOT maintenance vehicles are operating during severe winter weather and/or operating at night, the risk of motorists coming into contact with these vehicles increases dramatically.

Clear Roads would like to learn which color schemes, including retroreflective taping patterns, are best for DOT vehicles and equipment to maximize conspicuity in both winter and summer operations?

Expected Results
This project will produce a synthesis report which summarizes domestic and international research that highlight the most effective paint colors, lighting, and retroreflective taping patterns used to enhance the conspicuity of state DOT maintenance vehicles, airport vehicles, emergency vehicles, law enforcement vehicles, and other commercial vehicles.

In particular, this study will focus on where and and how conspicuity treatments are most effectively placed on a vehicle; the most effective combination of conspicuity treatments; and the appropriate balance of conspicuity and safety during both daytime and nighttime hours.